Too bad I didn't have my team bike yet either. But at least the true Belgian Hardmen are on their G4s. I'm only a wanna be. I also just realized something kind of silly. BH stands for BEISTEGUI HERMANOS or Belgian Hardman. So If I'm riding one of these I'm going to have to step up to the BH on the frame..
So at my age I've got some aching knees, a funky back, a sciatic nerve thing when I don't ride, back fat that really annoys me, asthma, and you know all I really want to do is ride sometimes. I'm glad I did because Chad's slogan is right. Be Active Be Happy and you will be.
The points are mine today "B"ee"H"ches!
"Happy" natal day to you.
How do you keep track of your points? Do you have scorecards? Did you get bonus points for frostbite? How many points do you get for riding in 3 inches of slushy snow. How do you know if your are a Belgin Hard Man? Do you have to be Belgian?
You have posed many questions, and I will attempt to answer the best I can. I will start with your last question and work backwards.
Do you have to be Belgian? No, you just need not be EPU
How do you know if you are one? Are you EPU? yes=no no=yes
How many points for riding in bad conditions? Normal point value would apply for riding in conditions you stated (1 point per ride), unless you are EPU, then you get no points.
Points for Frostbite? No, that is just stupid.
Tracking of points? Every person has a card to track his or her points. Unless of course you are....EPU. Then you don't get a card.
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