Some of you may not know it but there is this wave of Wussiness going around out there. I mean really. Claiming points during the "regular season" of cycling does not qualify for BHM points. How can it, even if you live in Arizona and ride in 120 heat it doesn't mean that riding here in 80 degrees or so as a Belgian Hard Man ride. So no points handed out just because you guys did a hard ride on the BHM route. A big WATT-EVVA
Which now brings me to the next wussy thing. Commuting. I mean really. Belgian Hard Men do not ride because they need to, they ride because they mean to. It isn't a requirement to travel from one point to another but a ride in order to do what few others have the guts to do. So just because you ride a few miles to work you are not a BHM. If the weather is crap and you need to get your training ride in during the commute by adding in an extra hour or two. Then you are a BHM.
Rules? Who makes the rules? What are the rules?
Well it goes like this. There are no rules and they are subject to change per my discretion because I make the rules. Why do I get to make the rules. Because I came up with the whole blog thing for BHM after putting one really tough winter of riding in on my own, in the dark, in the snow, on the trails, all to get ready for a Feb. race. So by dominating my own world I make the rules until I'm dethroned.
So have at it wussies, just be happy you can be participating in the BHM points. The race is on and your girlfriend isn't going to let you win!
man, this sucks. i live in california now, so i can't claim BHM points. it's not going to get 30 deg. ever, and it might rain often for a month or two, but snow? forget about it. anybody need some lobster mitts?
wussy by geography, that's me.
You would just have to ride far enough to find the mountains.
I love it when I hear about how cold it is in the winter out there. I just don't think they know pain from cold air hitting your eyeballs.
I claimed points in the dark of the night...
I claimed more points again in the dark of the knight
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