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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Just Because

Just because it warmed up into the mid 20's today doesn't mean it is time to slack off. We have been out at least once over each weekend for the past 6 with only missing one because it would have been deadly to ride. Today was a tough 4 plus hours on the bike with a few big climbs. The tough thing was how wind burned my face became on the ride. Our bikes had some ice build up on them but the bent looking wheel is just my phone camera taking funky pics.
Tomorrow looks like 10 more inches of snow. So just because we could ride today we did and the rest of you are left holding your tv remotes.

Friday, February 1, 2008

They Say it's your Birthday

Well it's my birthday too.... And I had some options. Work, pay bills, complain, get fatter, or ride with true Belgian Hardmen. I opted for the BHM points of the day. Unfortunately I couldn't get a good photo of us all together so I settled for the shadow photo of me. Funny, I must be a little warped to ride in low 20's for two hours. I guess that comes with age.

Too bad I didn't have my team bike yet either. But at least the true Belgian Hardmen are on their G4s. I'm only a wanna be. I also just realized something kind of silly. BH stands for BEISTEGUI HERMANOS or Belgian Hardman. So If I'm riding one of these I'm going to have to step up to the BH on the frame..

So at my age I've got some aching knees, a funky back, a sciatic nerve thing when I don't ride, back fat that really annoys me, asthma, and you know all I really want to do is ride sometimes. I'm glad I did because Chad's slogan is right. Be Active Be Happy and you will be.

The points are mine today "B"ee"H"ches!