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Monday, January 14, 2008

Picking Up The Points Part Deux

Right about now your thinking you had better check to see if you are still a man. Well as your checking to see if you still have balls because your pee pee hurts too much to ride. I just wanted to thank you for dropping more points.

I just finished my second ride of the day.
Minus 3 wind chill
12 degrees
Two Niner.
Two plus hours outside today total.
34 miles.


MunkieFast said...

Now that it is actually getting chilly. The points will be flowing my way all day. Single digit temps, double digit points.

Anonymous said...

Not sure how cold it was, but friday 20min run just because I needed to. Saturday 1hour and 10min run with the man himself, thats right josh shively, and today 1 hour 10min run on the snowmobile trail w/pickle. felt cool, but it's not like it's below zero like chad and I like to run in.

Anonymous said...

So since the temps will be way to cold to even think will there be points for just standing outside in the cold with nipples fully erect? I see triple points on the horizon!

4x4 Champ '07,'08,'09 said...

Blah, Blah, Blah.
You all talk like fish.
Ride or don't ride, there is no try.(Really what Yoda said before that jackass Lucus edited him)